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Kurasu主催、第一回ブリュワーズトーナメントがMTRL KYOTOで開催されます!


全員が当日発表される同じ豆を使い、どんな抽出器具を使っても OK。参加枠はコーヒー関係のプロ、ご自宅でコーヒーを淹れるのが大好きというアマ問わず皆が一緒になって作り上げるこのイベントは、垣根を取り払い、自分の楽しみ方を思い切り表現できる素晴らしいチャンスです。


観覧費:1000円 (MTRL KYOTOにてワンドリンク付き+ Kurasuから粗品を差し上げます)


グラインダーマルコニック社 EK43
水:MTRL KYOTO会場内の水道水、もしくはクリンスイ(浄水)。その他必要であればご持参ください。



1. 大会は複数ラウンドの勝ち抜き戦です。
2. 各ラウンドで、出場者3名ずつが同時に抽出を行います。
3. 抽出には7分間が与えられ、その時間内に準備、抽出、サーブ全てを行います。
4. 時間切れとなった後は、3名のジャッジに対し、同じ見た目の容器にそれぞれの出場者のコーヒーがサーブされます
5. ジャッジはそれぞれのコーヒーを抽出者が分からない状態で評価し、3杯の中で最も良いと思うものを選びます。
6. 3,2,1の合図で、ジャッジは一斉に選んだコーヒーを指さします。
7. 勝者は次のラウンドへと進み、敗者はそこで出場終了となります。

1. 挽いたコーヒーと水のみが使用可能です。
2. どんなタイプのフィルターを使用しても構いません。ペーパー、 メタル、クロス、エアロプレス、その他どのようなものでも使用可能です。
3. 出場者は、個人のグラインダー、ケトル、スケール、水、その他抽出器具に関して各々の私物を持ち込み、使用することができます。
4. 大会で指定され、支給される豆以外の使用は不可です。
5. 出場者は、支給されるサーバーに最低200mlのコーヒーを抽出します。
6. 制限時間をこえて抽出されたコーヒーは失格となります。
7. 以上のルールに違反した場合は、失格となります。

Beyond Coffee Roasters 代表 木村 (BUNN) 大輔さん

1. 各ラウンドにおいて、ジャッジは標準的なカッピングの技術を用いてテイスティングを行います。
2. 抽出者の名前は各カップの底面に完全に隠れた状態で記載されています。
3. スコアシート・ジャッジ基準はありません。ジャッジは、個人的に好きで飲み干したいと思うカップを選びます。
4. 各ジャッジが各々の結論を出し、ジャッジ同士が話し合うことはありません。
5. 3,2,1の合図で、ジャッジは一斉に選んだコーヒーを指さします。
6. ジャッジ終了後、MCが一番多くのジャッジに選ばれたカップを持ち上げ、底面に記載されている名前を読み上げます。
7. 各ジャッジがそれぞれ異なるカップを選んだ場合、同点となり、MCまたは事前に選出されたヘッドジャッジがテイスティングを行い、勝者を決定します。



Our very first Brewers Tournament will happen at MTRL KYOTO!

Amongst many competitions for the coffee lovers all over the world such as latte art, barista championship, roasting etc., this time we will focus on the very essential, “brewing”.

No information about beans until the tournament starts, professional or not, everyone can use whatever their favourite brewing gear is to make the perfect cup. Of course, you are welcome to attend as an audience, and we hope you can enjoy this magical world of coffee together with us! Register to attend now!

Check the detail at

Admission fee for audience:1000JPY (including one drink at MTRL KYOTO and a small gift from Kurasu)
You MUST register via the link:
We are planning not only the tournament but also many exciting workshops for you to enjoy!

Registration fee1500JPY
We cut off the application on 11:59PM December 5th, then we will be live streaming the lottery on Instagram on December 6th.

Qualification: Coffee professionals, baristas, home brewers, and all who love brewing a good cup of coffee.

Apply here:

We supply:
Mahlkonig EK43 Coffee Grinder

Water: tap water at MTRL KYOTO or filtered water. You are welcome to bring any water of your choice.

You need to bring:

Dripper, filter, water (of your choice if you wish), kettle and other brewing equipment

Beans to be used at the tournament will be announced an hour before the tournament starts (6PM), and 200g each will be provided. You will have 1 hour for practice/adjustment.

1. The competition is a multi-round, elimination tournament.
2. In each round, three competitors brew coffee simultaneously.
3. Competitors have 7 minutes in which to prepare, brew, and present their coffee.
4. When the time is up, the coffees are presented in identical vessels to a panel of three judges.
5. The judges blindly evaluate each coffee and make their own private assessment as to which is the best.
6. On the count of three, all judges simultaneously point to their preferred coffee.
7. The winner progresses to the next round. The losers are eliminated.

1. Ground coffee and water are the only ingredients allowed.
2. Any type of filter is allowed. This includes paper, metal, cloth, Aeropress and all other types of filter.
3. Competitors are welcome to bring their own grinder, kettle, scales, water, or other equipment.
4. The officially announced and provided coffee beans are the only beans you can use.
5. Competitors must present a minimum of 200ml of coffee, in the vessel provided.
6. Coffees not presented within the time limit will not be evaluated.
7. Failure to comply with any of the above will result in disqualification.

WEEKENDERS COFFEE Owner/roaster: Masahiro Kaneko
COFFEE COUNTY Owner/roaster: Takaaki Mori
Beyond Coffee Roasters Owner: Daisuke Kimura (BUNN)

1. Each round is judged blind using the cupping technique of spoon, slurp, and spit.
2. Competitor’s names will be marked on the underside of the cups where they are completely hidden.
3. There is no scoresheet or formal judging criteria. Judges are simply answering: “Which cup would I prefer to drink all of?"
4. Each judge will arrive at their own conclusion, without discussing the samples with their fellow judges.
5. On the count of three, all judges will point simultaneously, confidently, and definitively at the cup of their choosing.
6. After judging, the MC will lift the winning cup, revealing the name of the winner.
7. In the event of all three judges pointing at different cups, the MC or a pre-determined Head Judge will taste the coffees, and decide the round.

The winner will be honored by Kurasu with a prize and a plaque.

We have been planning this tournament for a long time along with the many fun events we have planned at our café in Kyoto- all of this is for our simple wish to make coffee open and welcoming to everyone, and to make one more coffee lover each day. We are so excited! Come join us to make this special occasion even more wonderful.

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