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198 products

Coffee subscription (free domestic shipping)Coffee subscription (free domestic shipping)
[Free Shipping] 100g x 3 types of single origin coffee set
House Blend Dark [Dark roast]House Blend Dark [Dark roast]
Fellow Atmos Vacuum CanisterFellow Atmos Vacuum Canister
Fellow Carter Move Mug New Colors!Fellow Carter Move Mug New Colors!
Sold out
Varia VS3 Grinder (2nd Generation)Varia VS3 Grinder (2nd Generation)
[Free Shipping] Blended Coffee Set 100g x 3 bags
Fellow Carter Move MugFellow Carter Move Mug
Fellow Carter Move Mug Sale priceFrom ¥5,500
ORIGAMI Dripper AirORIGAMI Dripper Air
ORIGAMI Dripper Air Sale priceFrom ¥1,320
Pitchii Coffee ServerPitchii Coffee Server
Pitchii Coffee Server Sale priceFrom ¥2,860
Fellow 『Ode Brew Grinder Gen2』Matte White / Blackの2色Fellow『Ode Brew Grinder Gen2』Matte Black横から
Kalita Wave Paper Filter White 100 sheetsKalita Wave Paper Filter White 100 sheets
House Blend Medium [Medium roast]House Blend Medium [Medium roast]
Fellow Stagg EKG Electric Kettle [Genuine Japanese Product]Fellow Stagg EKG Electric Kettle [Genuine Japanese Product]
Kalita Wave Paper Filter White 50 sheetsKalita Wave Paper Filter White 50 sheets
Kurasu Tasting Set (Choose from 3 Types) 250g x 2 Bags
ORIGAMI Dripper Sale priceFrom ¥2,750
[Pre-order item] Fellow Opus Conical Burr Grinder (delivery scheduled to resume in early November 2024)[Pre-order item] Fellow Opus Conical Burr Grinder (delivery scheduled to resume in early November 2024)
Fellow Direct-fire Stagg Pour-Over KettleFellow Direct-fire Stagg Pour-Over Kettle
Sibarist BoosterSibarist Booster
April Plastic Brewer Ver.2April Plastic Brewer Ver.2
April Paper Filter 50 sheetsApril Paper Filter 50 sheets
<Cascara> Xalapa, Guatemala<Cascara> Xalapa, Guatemala